Explain the role of vision statements and their relationship to a business’ aims
Explain the role of vision statements and their relationship to a business’ aims
Explain the role of vision statements and their relationship to a business’ aims
Explain how objectives are used by a business in order to achieve its aims
Explain how objectives are used by a business in order to achieve its aims
Explain how objectives are used by a business in order to achieve its aims
Explain what is meant by SMART objectives
Explain what is meant by SMART objectives
Explain what is meant by SMART objectives
Explain the role and purpose of mission statements
Explain the role and purpose of mission statements
Explain the role and purpose of mission statements
Evaluate vision statements, objectives and mission statements and their impact on a business and its stakeholders
Evaluate vision statements, objectives and mission statements and their impact on a business and its stakeholders
Evaluate vision statements, objectives and mission statements and their impact on a business and its stakeholders
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